Joshua Purcell
Team Number: 1
Position: Defenseman
Birthday: 8/1/90
Hometown: Plantation, FL
School: St. Thomas Aquinas
Years Played: 10
Biggest Accomplishment: Invited to tryout for Team USA
Matty Bellando
Team Number: 21
Position: Offensemen
Birthday: 12/17/91
Hometown: Miami, FL
School: Coral Reef Senior High School
Years Played: 9
Biggest Accomplishment: Being the Playmaker
Danny Quinn
"Danny Q"
Team Number: 5
Position: Defenseman
Birthday: 8/1/90
Hometown: Coral Springs, FL
Years Played: 10
Biggest Accomplishment: Invited to tryout for Team USA
Dylan Weider
Team Number: 91
Position: Defenseman
Birthday: 3/17/91
Hometown: Weston, FL
School: Cypress Bay High School
Years Played: 10
Biggest Accomplishment: Invited to tryout for Team USA
Gerry Dunne
Team Number: 27
Position: Offenseman
Birthday: July 23, 1990
Hometown: Coral Springs, FL
Years Played: 10
Biggest Accomplishment: Invited to tryout for Team USA
Jason Webb
Team Number: 12
Position: Defenseman
Birthday: 8/1/90
Hometown: Weston, FL
School: Cypress Bay High School
Years Played: 10
Biggest Accomplishment: Invited to tryout for Team USA
John Raines
Team Number: 23
Position: Offenseman
Birthday: 1/31/90
Hometown: Sunrise, FL
School: Piper High School
Years Played: 10
Biggest Accomplishment: Invited to tryout for Team USA
Shaun Blanford
Team Number: 3
Position: Offenseman
Birthday: 2/12/91
Hometown: Davie, FL
School: Cypress Bay High School
Years Played: 10
Biggest Accomplishment: Winning AAU in 8 and Under
Tyler Toyota
Team Number: 36
Position: Goalie
Birthday: 10-7-91
Hometown: Pembroke Pines, FL
School: Flanagan High School
Years Played: 10
Biggest Accomplishment: Diving across the net and stuffing a Phat Boyz player in OverTime